" We are the adventure we create, the dream that we choose, and the unknown we step into.
However many lives we get, this one needs to count."


Home We looked around the living room, each of us in our own little world.  There was a bag of shopping on the table. We’d asked Pete to buy some essentials, the very same Pete who’d...
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35,000 Miles
35,000 Miles Sometimes ‘the weather’ has a voice. Maybe that’s why the British talk about it all the time, and of late Climate Change has been a wonderful addition...
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Who is that?
Who is that? We walked back down the hill across the river Danube, the border between ‘Buda’ and ‘Pest’. We watched a street band play some Hungarian hits, and resisted the urge to...
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I’m coming home - Rosa’s blog
I’m coming home… Truth be told, I didn’t really want to come on this trip. Nine months away from home and everything I know, was a terrifying and not particularly attractive idea for...
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Buda & Pest
Buda & Pest We had all been for a Turkish Hamam the last time we were in Istanbul but I couldn’t persuade Theo or Rosa to come again… Theo was concerned one of the big blokes would...
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The cat’s out of the bag
The cat’s out of the bag ‘Why are you looking at me like that old woman?’ It really was the most unpleasant look anyone had given me since we’d left the UK… I looked defiantly back....
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Learn more about Shannon
Learn more about Theo
Learn more about Rosa