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The 26th Floor
The 26th Floor I left without waking Theo and Rosa. My train was leaving at 7.11 and I wanted to be early enough that I had some explaining time built in. I ordered my DiDi (Chinese Grab) filled up my...
’Extra, Extra!’
‘Extra, Extra!’ Plenty of crazy and unexpected things have happened on this trip so far, but I’m pretty sure this takes the cake. It was a day like any other in Guilin – I was having my ten minute...
Would you open the box?
Would you open the box? Turns out that my imminent trip to Guangzhou was not the only cloud on our horizon. It rained every day we were in Guilin. Preparing us for a British summer no doubt. Many of our...
‘Passport Please!’
‘Passport Please!’ I doubt that I could point to a map and say exactly where on our journey back from the Russian Embassy our relief at having been able to hand in our visa applications turned back into...
‘Igor, is that you…?’
‘Igor, is that you…?’ We were hungry when we arrived in Kunming (first class, first smarse…not a single flippin snack!) We had booked the same hotel as we had in October, because every now and again knowing...
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